Moms Night Out - Stanislaus County
6:00 PM18:00

Moms Night Out - Stanislaus County

Join TBODS Stanislaus Community Group for a fun Mom’s Night Out! It will be held at Board and Brush in Modesto on 05/02/2025 @ 6pm. Dessert will be provided.

If you live in San Joaquin county, please plan on attending their Mom’s Afternoon Out on the same weekend. Let’s connect with the mamas in our communities!

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Moms Afternoon Out- San Joaquin County
3:00 PM15:00

Moms Afternoon Out- San Joaquin County

Join TBODS San Joaquin Community Group for a fun Mom’s Afternoon Out at the Mudmill in Lodi on 05/03/2025 @ 3pm. Dessert will be provided. There is limited space for this even so please sign up ASAP and let us know if you are no longer able to attend to make room for the mama’s who want to attend! :)

If you live in Stanislaus county, please plan on attending their Mom’s Night Out on the same weekend in Modesto. Let’s connect with the mamas in our communities!

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San Joaquin County "Kid-free" dinner night
6:00 PM18:00

San Joaquin County "Kid-free" dinner night

Are you interested in meeting up with other parents in the San Joaquin county without your sweet kiddos interrupting the fun? Join your SJ county community group at our annual “kid-free” night out. These “kid-free” times are often very special and a way for families to dive deeper into connections and have those meaningful conversations about our lives with Down syndrome. Hope you can make it out to the Falcon’s Lair in Ripon

* TBODS will pay for dinner for up to two people per family.

*Childcare will not be provided by TBODS for this event.

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San Joaquin County Community Trampoline Park Fun!
8:00 AM08:00

San Joaquin County Community Trampoline Park Fun!

Join us for a fun morning of jumping and Community building with your SJ County TBODS Family.

We will be meeting at a trampoline park in the SJ county (TBD) and TBODS will pay for your two hour jump time along with some snacks for the family!

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Stanislaus County Community Trampoline Fun
8:00 AM08:00

Stanislaus County Community Trampoline Fun

Join us for a fun morning of jumping and Community building with your Stanislaus County TBODS Family.

We will be meeting at Get Air in Turlock and TBODS will pay for your two hour jump time along with some snacks for the family!

From the Get Air Website:

We offer a dedicated time just for jumpers with special needs. Music is played at a lower volume and the park’s atmosphere is calmer. One parent or guardian can support jumpers on the trampoline for free. Siblings of jumpers are welcome to jump for the same price, but should be more careful during this time.

.We have designed our trampoline parks with special needs as a primary focus, creating inclusive playgrounds where kids of all ages and abilities can come together in an environment that facilitates shared play and fun. Our goal is for Get Air Sports to be a place where kids can just be kids. We hope you’ll join us! When you arrive, or call beforehand, talk to one of our team members and we’ll ensure proper accommodations are made to create a fun and enjoyable experience for all.

Special Time Just For You is for special needs jumpers and their families.

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2025 fourth quarter board meeting
6:00 PM18:00

2025 fourth quarter board meeting

We invite you to the final board meeting of the year! We would love to have you present for input, suggestions and to volunteer to make activities happen for our community for 2026!

Please RSVP below to let us know you are coming.

If you have any specific questions you can submit them prior to the meeting below so we can add them to the agenda.

Board meeting will be held in Modesto at Food Fix, Butcher and Baker. See you there! Childcare will not be provided. Children are welcome however the meting will be at least two hours long with a large amount of content to be covered.

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TBODS family bowling afternoon!
3:00 PM15:00

TBODS family bowling afternoon!

Come on out to Bowlero in Manteca for a fun afternoon of bowling, connecting and yummy pizza! This event will take place Sunday, November 9th from 3 PM-5 PM.

We hope you met some new families and friends at our annual Buddy Walk in October and now we ask you to join us as we reconnect in a smaller setting! This afternoon of fun will help us foster these new (and old) friendships so come on down with your family!

*Due to the expense of this event, we ask that you bring your immediate household only. TBODS will be paying for each individual who lives in the home with you*

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Stanislaus County "Kid-free" dinner night at Surla's
6:00 PM18:00

Stanislaus County "Kid-free" dinner night at Surla's

Are you interested in meeting up with other parents in the Stanislaus county without your sweet kiddos interrupting the fun? Join your Stan county community group at our annual “kid-free” night out. These “kid-free” times are often very special and a way for families to dive deeper into connections and have those meaningful conversations about our lives with Down syndrome. Hope you can make it out to Surla’s in Modesto, Ca on Friday March 7th at 6 PM.

*Registration has closed due to reservations

* TBODS will pay for dinner for up to two people per family.

*Childcare will not be provided by TBODS for this event.

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2025 first quarter board meeting- via zoom
5:00 PM17:00

2025 first quarter board meeting- via zoom

Welcome to the first board meeting of the year! We would love to have you present for input, suggestions and to volunteer to make activities happen for our community

If you have any specific questions you can submit them prior to the meeting below so we can add them to the agenda.

We will be meeting via Zoom so please make sure to leave an email you check regularly for the link.

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Stanislaus County Welcome back Pizza Party
6:00 PM18:00

Stanislaus County Welcome back Pizza Party

We want to see you connect in your community! These small gatherings are perfect to ask those specific questions: “Who is your local pediatrician” or “how was your IEP process in our school district”? It’s also a fun time to hang out and get some free food!

TBODS will be providing pizza and drinks for your family at Rico’s Pizza in Turlock California. Come and connect with other families.

If you know a family that has a loved one with DS in their lives and doesn’t know about TBODS, feel free to share this with them!

See you all on Thursday January 23rd at 6 PM at Ricos!

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San Joaquin County Welcome Back Pizza Party
6:00 PM18:00

San Joaquin County Welcome Back Pizza Party

We want to see you connect in your community! These small gatherings are perfect to ask those specific questions: “Who is your local pediatrician” or “how was your IEP process in our school district”? It’s also a fun time to hang out and get some free food!

TBODS will be providing pizza and drinks for your family at Round Table Pizza on Spreckles Avenue in Manteca! Come and connect with other families.

If you know a family that has a loved one with DS in their lives and doesn’t know about TBODS, feel free to share this with them!

See you all on Thursday, January 23rd at 6 PM!

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TBODS family bowling afternoon!
3:00 PM15:00

TBODS family bowling afternoon!

Come on out to Bowlero in Manteca for a fun afternoon of bowling, connecting and yummy pizza! This event will take place Sunday, November 10th from 3 PM-5 PM.

We hope you met some new families and friends at our annual Buddy Walk in October and now we ask you to join us as we reconnect in a smaller setting! This afternoon of fun will help us foster these new (and old) friendships so come on down with your family!

*Due to the expense of this event, we ask that you bring your immediate household only. TBODS will be paying for each individual who lives in the home with you*

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2024 fourth quarter board meeting
6:00 PM18:00

2024 fourth quarter board meeting

We invite you to the final board meeting of the year! We would love to have you present for input, suggestions and to volunteer to make activities happen for our community for 2025!

Please RSVP below to let us know you are coming.

If you have any specific questions you can submit them prior to the meeting below so we can add them to the agenda.

Board meeting will be held in Modesto at Food Fix, Butcher and Baker. See you there! Childcare will not be provided. Children are welcome however the meting will be at least two hours long with a large amount of content to be covered.

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Stan County Community Ice Cream Party!
6:00 PM18:00

Stan County Community Ice Cream Party!

Join us for a fun outing of Ice Cream and Community building with your Stanislaus County TBODS Family.

We will be meeting at the Ice Cream Company in Modesto on Wednesday, July 31st at 6 PM for some tasty treats for your family courtesy of TBODS.

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San Jaoquin County Community Ice Cream Party!
6:00 PM18:00

San Jaoquin County Community Ice Cream Party!

Join us for a fun outing of Ice Cream and Community building with your SJ County TBODS Family.

We will be meeting at the Ice Cream Emporium in Ripon on Wednesday, July 31st at 6 PM for some tasty treats for your family courtesy of TBODS.

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Foothill  County Community Ice Cream Party!
6:00 PM18:00

Foothill County Community Ice Cream Party!

Join us for a fun outing of Ice Cream and Community building with your Foothill County TBODS Family.

We will be meeting at the Jamestown Frosty on Wednesday, June 26th at 6 PM for some tasty treats for your family courtesy of TBODS.

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Dinner with an Advocate!
5:00 PM17:00

Dinner with an Advocate!

Are you finding yourself struggling to understand the IEP process and your parental rights? Are you concerned that your kiddo is not benefiting from your districts placement? Maybe you have a list of questions or perhaps this year will be your first IEP for your child, either way, we want you here!

We have invited a friend of TBODS, Advocate Jeffie Muntifering, who has served many of our families with her services in the central valley. Jeffie has 30+ years of experience advocating for children with disabilities and wants to help our families learn how to advocate for themselves and answer specific questions you may have!

Our registration has officially closed as we are at max capacity in our dining room. Please email if you would like to be placed on the waitlist.

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Stanislaus County "Kid-free" dinner night at Wildfire Public House.
6:00 PM18:00

Stanislaus County "Kid-free" dinner night at Wildfire Public House.

Are you interested in meeting up with other parents in the Stanislaus county without your sweet kiddos interrupting the fun? Join your Stan county community group at our annual “kid-free” night out. These “kid-free” times are often very special and a way for families to dive deeper into connections and have those meaningful conversations about our lives with Down syndrome. Hope you can make it out to Wildfire Public House in Modesto, Ca on Monday February 12th at 6 PM.

* TBODS will pay for dinner for up to two people per family.

*Childcare will not be provided by TBODS for this event.

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San Joaquin County "Kid-free" dinner night at Juniors Restaurant.
6:00 PM18:00

San Joaquin County "Kid-free" dinner night at Juniors Restaurant.

Are you interested in meeting up with other parents in the San Joaquin county without your sweet kiddos interrupting the fun? Join your SJ county community group at our annual “kid-free” night out. These “kid-free” times are often very special and a way for families to dive deeper into connections and have those meaningful conversations about our lives with Down syndrome. Hope you can make it out to Juniors Restaurant in Tracy, Ca. on Saturday February 10th at 6 PM.

* TBODS will pay for dinner for up to two people per family.

*Childcare will not be provided by TBODS for this event.

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Foothill County "Kid-free" dinner night at Nox Restaurant.
5:30 PM17:30

Foothill County "Kid-free" dinner night at Nox Restaurant.

Are you interested in meeting up with other parents in the Foothills without your sweet kiddos interrupting the fun? Join your Foothill counties community group at our annual “kid-free” night out. These “kid-free” times are often very special and a way for families to dive deeper into connections and have those meaningful conversations about our lives with Down syndrome. Hope you can make it out to Nox Restaurant in Sonora, Ca. on Tuesday February 6th at 5:30 PM.

* TBODS will pay for dinner for up to two people per family.

*Childcare will not be provided by TBODS for this event.

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2024 first quarter board meeting
6:00 PM18:00

2024 first quarter board meeting

  • 938 11th Street Modesto, CA, 95354 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Welcome to the first board meeting of the year! We would love to have you present for input, suggestions and to volunteer to make activities happen for our community!

Please RSVP below to let us know you are coming.

If you have any specific questions you can submit them prior to the meeting below so we can add them to the agenda.

Board meeting will be held in downtown Modesto at Food Fix. See you there! Childcare will not be provided. Children are welcome however the meting will be at least two hours long with a large amount of content to be covered.

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Foothill counties Welcome Back Pizza Party
5:30 PM17:30

Foothill counties Welcome Back Pizza Party

We want to see you connect in your Foothill communities! This event is for residents of Calaveras, Tuolumne and Amador counties! These small gatherings are perfect to ask those specific questions: “Who is your local pediatrician” or “how was your IEP process in our school district”? It’s also a fun time to hang out and get some free food!

TBODS will be providing pizza and drinks for your family at the Pizza Factory in Twain Harte, California. Come and connect with other families.

If you know a family that has a loved one with DS in their lives and doesn’t know about TBODS, feel free to share this with them!

See you all on Tuesday, January 16th at 5:30 PM.

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San Joaquin County Welcome Back Pizza Party
5:30 PM17:30

San Joaquin County Welcome Back Pizza Party

We want to see you connect in your community! These small gatherings are perfect to ask those specific questions: “Who is your local pediatrician” or “how was your IEP process in our school district”? It’s also a fun time to hang out and get some free food!

TBODS will be providing pizza and drinks for your family at Mountain Mikes Pizza in Manteca, California. Come and connect with other families.

If you know a family that has a loved one with DS in their lives and doesn’t know about TBODS, feel free to share this with them!

See you all on Monday, January 8th at 5:30 PM.

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Stanislaus County Welcome back Pizza Party
5:30 PM17:30

Stanislaus County Welcome back Pizza Party

We want to see you connect in your community! These small gatherings are perfect to ask those specific questions: “Who is your local pediatrician” or “how was your IEP process in our school district”? It’s also a fun time to hang out and get some free food!

TBODS will be providing pizza and drinks for your family at Rico’s Pizza in Turlock California. Come and connect with other families.

If you know a family that has a loved one with DS in their lives and doesn’t know about TBODS, feel free to share this with them!

See you all on Monday, January 8th at 5:30 PM.

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TBODS family bowling afternoon!
3:00 PM15:00

TBODS family bowling afternoon!

Come on out to Bowlero in Manteca for a fun afternoon of bowling, connecting and yummy pizza! This event will take place Sunday, November 5th from 3 PM-5 PM.

We hope you met some new families and friends at our annual Buddy Walk in October and now we ask you to join us as we reconnect in a smaller setting! This afternoon of fun will help us foster these new (and old) friendships so come on down with your family!

*We ask that you bring your immediate household only. TBODS will be paying for each individual who lives in the home with you*

Online registration for this event has closed. Please email with any questions :)

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