Dear Mom Conference 2022
Join us for a truly unique conference, Dear Mom!
“At Dear Mom, Conference we feed you, leave plenty of time to connect with other moms, hire speakers to inspire you, and offer opportunities to connect beyond the conference where our community is most active day in and day out”
We will be driving down together Friday morning and staying overnight Friday and Saturday. If you are interested in attending this years event TBODS has partial scholarships available to help with room and board (Laguna Beach is beautiful but $$$) We anticipate each participants share of cost for room and board, gas for the weekend costing around 300$ and your TBODS scholarship would pick up the rest. If you would like more info fill out the form below and lets chat!
We are working on a way to get registration fees covered as well. We will keep you posted.
Looking forward to getting away for a fun mom’s weekend together!